Blue Tulip -- Listen!
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© Kate Lane 2009-2011
Listen #115 is fully drawn! Time to do tseh inks and tseh colors :).


Well, I can't say I value sleep, since I have to get up in less than six hours. But I like sleep. So, next Listen! is still delayed. However, Chad's World got two new pages uploaded. Enjoy! I will enjoy my sleep. :D


Next strip is all scripted... will try to get it up today (Wednesday), but it might take until Thursday or Friday to finish. But there will at least be a few more Chad's World strips this evening :).


Chad's World strip 4 is up!


Started uploading old comic strips from when I was in high school! Yes, I was already a dork drawing comics then, yes yes! :D There's thirteen pages to this one, so there will be more to come in the next few days; I only just unearthed my copies of it ^_^.


New knitting pattern! Angelic Scarf (so named because of the person I gave it to, not that there are actually any angels in the design or anything :P)


...the good news is that these couple of days are over. :P

And yes, it's supposed to say "*crickets*" in that last panel. Ungg. I was slightly too ambitious with the art in that one ::halo::.

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